
health & safety

All users, owners and occupiers of buildings and facilities require safe environments. Professional health and safety advice is necessary to protect the well-being of users and safeguard the legal obligations of the owners and occupiers.

Cammisar Consulting Project Management provides a health and safety service which assesses all matters of present and future concern. Our professional health and safety advisors will report on and action the necessary improvements, modifications and policies.

This service is delivered through physical inspection, written reports and references to legislation. We establish the necessary policies and implement procedures and programmes to enable future compliance.

An on-going, responsible and proactive health and safety policy will optimise the attendance and productivity of staff, protect the interests of costumers and visitors and safeguard the obligations of owners and occupiers.

Our wide range of experience across most sectors and services enables us to offer a fully-compliant and comprehensive health and safety service.

Specialist health and safety services offered by Cammisar Consulting Project Management include:


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